Monday, 14 May 2012

Monkey See Monkey Do: Pink and Yellow Chevron

Polishes used:

Lemonade 5¢- Piggy Polish
Fuchsia Power- Sally Hansen

Here is the original inspiration, taken from Sammy's

I thought these were really perfect summer colours and it reminded me of pink lemonade! The only change I made was to reverse the colours since I was doing the pink over the yellow, so it could handle only one thick coat.

Here are a bunch of other talented ladies participating:


  1. So cute, and the colours really do have a summer feel to them :)

  2. Hi¡¡ I'm in the challenge to, can you add me to the list? I'm Layka and my blog is:

    I love your manicure, I think is better the original because have more pink ^_^ I Loooove pink¡¡

  3. I heart the colors! The accent stone is very cute!

  4. Both yours and the original are really cute!

  5. Hola guapa! Esta genial tu blog.
    Te dejo la dirección del mio por si puedes pasarte y darme algun consejillo, espero que te guste ;)
